

16 juin 2018. Our last day of French1 Saturday class with madame Philippa of UP DEL in UP Diliman.

Last May, I enrolled in french class with 2 of my friends mainly because one of the, Michael, was looking for a hobby and the other one, Zal, and I have free time so we decided to join him. Also, if ever we get to visit France in the future, we at least know how to introduce ourselves and ask for directions LOL. It was a 3hr lecture for 10 Saturdays in CAL. We learned basic introductions and phrases, the alphabet, basic grammar,countries, counting, months and days, asking and answering questions about self, verbs, and more. The course was fun, we did a lot of skits and exercises to practice speaking and we made lots of new friends frim the class.

On our last day, we have an evaluation exam with ESSSAYS of course in French and I really don’t know how I got 41/50 LOL. My essay was trash :)) It was a good thing I scored enough with the objective part to barely pass (26pts). I was expecting to get like about at most 10 points from all the 3 essays haha! It seemed I managed to sound decent enough with my “Mon Rêve” essay haha!

After the last class, we went out to eat at Provenciano in Maginhawa to celebrate and our classmates, madame Yas et monseur Ronan, were generous and treated us to the meal. Merci beacoup! 😀

The others were planning to continue to French 2 but I can’t since I have to leave for the UK. It was fun learning with them and I gained so much more than French. 🙂

Merci beacoup mes amis! Au revoir~! Visitez moi en angleterre s’il vous plait! Et allons en france ensemble! À bientot! 🙂

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